Turkeys For Literacy ~ ThanksGiving ’14


Chapter TWO, Inc. hosted its annual Turkey’s for Literacy event on Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at Ascot Branch Public Library in partnership with Superior Grocers Store #112 and Store Manager Forylan Mendez.

Our goal was to invite the community to their local library and encourage them to learn about literacy programs, city services and resources, as well as programs available through Chapter TWO and GRYD.  Over 100 community members received a turkey and other food items to prepare for a family Thanksgiving meal in exchange for obtaining various community information and a library card application. Participants learned about ways to improve their quality of life for their families and about community events and programs.

We would like to thank Ascot Branch Public Library for sharing the community room, especially Head Librarian Ellen Tanner. We would also like to thank Superior Grocers Store #112 and Store Manager Forylan Mendez for their gracious hospitality in helping us make this event possible to families during the holidays.